Pula – Wednesday 30 May 2018

The weather has been very settled, hazy sun, no wind and hot. So we were really sure that we would have a quiet night, despite the port official’s general warnings. However in the middle of the night the boat began to rock back and forth quite strongly and worst of all the boom kept moving from side to side on the track. I had to wake R up to do something about it. There seemed no reason for the rocking and we just went back to sleep. In the morning the weather remained as settled as ever. So we didn’t even try to put up any sails. We are headed in the direction of Pula. We were here last autumn and thought we would try another port just past it. The attraction of the other port is that they do gas cylinders and we are one week into our last one, so we must get a spare otherwise in a couple of weeks we can only eat cold food! However, there is a suggestion that this other port has a n...