Novigrad – Monday 28 May 2018

For the first time since joining the boat we have begun to think this may be a pleasure trip. We were up early and rushed to the office which does yacht services to get an engineer to look at the engine ignition.  After sounding dubious to start they said someone would be around after 9am.  Sure enough at about 9:30 an electrician came (with a lady to translate) and went over the ignition panel.  He turned the engine on at least a dozen times and it started every time with no problem.  He said he disconnected and reconnected all the wires from the back and could find nothing wrong with it.  All we can think is that in unloading stuff out of the locker we must have knocked one of the wires (which apparently are on push in plugs) out and when R fiddled with the wires he put it back in.  Anyway it seems to be working fine.  They didn’t even charge us for coming.  Something rare around here.

So we had a free day to be tourists.  One of the reasons to come here was that there is a spa in the marina. Well, really the marina is built around a posh hotel with the facilities.  So we booked ourselves in for massages this afternoon and R will have a pedicure because his feet are awful.

With a free morning we went to explore the town.  It is a cute place around an old fishing harbour.  It was defeated by the Venetians so there are bits of Venetian architecture.  More interestingly is a wall around most of the main town along the waters edge.  We took a long walk around as much of the wall as we could find.  We then tried to do a bit of shopping.  As I remembered the shops here (even the larger supermarkets) sell pretty limited lines and it is all boring.  But we are moving on tomorrow and I will probably have to cook on board, so some supplies were needed.

Back on the boat we had a light lunch and a rest until it was time to go to the spa.  We had a nice restful time there and Richard’s feet are much improved.  We then treated ourselves to a cocktail before back to the boat for dinner. Last of the Italian food - sausages and peppers.

We will make an early start tomorrow although we are not sure where we will wind up. 


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