Sarande – Wednesday 4 July 2018

As planned we were up at 5:30 and slipped the mooring just before 6am.  We had a bit of a scare on the way out.  As we left the pontoon and were in the middle of the harbour Richard suddenly rushed below and told me to shut the engine off.  It turned out the no water was getting through the engine and it would shortly overheat.  But a crisis was averted.  It was caused by Richard clearing out the filter last night and he hadn’t quite put it back properly.  A small adjustment and we were on our way.

The weather was odd.  At first we thought it had just turned very cloudy, but it turned out to be a sea mist which followed us for about ¾ of the way here.  The visibility was down to 3-5 miles and it was quite cool.  But by 1pm that had changed and the sun came out and it got very hot and sticky.  We had a bit of wind from behind so Richard put up the sails and we motor sailed giving us another half a knot in speed to reduce the time of the journey.

We had made contact with the agent we used before here who said he would find us a space.  Of course as we approached the harbour the wind got up to 16 knots just in time for us to take the sails down!  But we managed and got in touch with the agent’s girl who was going to put us in a berth.  We are more or less where we were last year next to the ferry terminal in an alongside berth.  There are quite a few other boats who came in after us.  We all have to leave by 8:30am tomorrow because a cruise liner is coming in and they use these piers for their tenders.  That is OK with us as we want to get to Corfu soonest, before all our water runs out!

The agent checked us in and we got ready to go into town for dinner.  We both managed a reasonable wash with the water we put in the bucket.  So we felt a bit less jaded when we left the boat.  We decided to take the agent’s girl’s advice about a restaurant and walked well along the front to what seemed to be the most popular restaurant about. It had a lovely position, but the menu was boring.  Anyway it let us spend the last of our Leke.

The agent is coming at 8am tomorrow with our clearance.  We can then leave the berth and go and anchor for an hour to have breakfast before we leave.  We shall see how we get on.  We are a bit blocked in by other boats at the moment.


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