Novigrad - Sunday 27 May 2018

We got up fairly early so that we could get to the service department to book an engineer to come at look at the engine ignition.  At first there was no one there so we were given duff information.  Later we found the office open but there were no workmen, only admin to book appointments.  Well, that would have been OK except they made it clear that they had a whole day of appointments booked for Monday and were unlikely to do our work then.  We put our name down in case, but it looked hopeless.

We walked to a little supermarket and bought a few more things.  The problem of provisioning in Venice hasn’t really been solved because we keep finding small shops with not much merchandise and which are quite a way from the boat which means carrying heavy shopping a long way.

So we are not sure what to do.  Richard has tried to take the front of the ignition panel off to see if he can find the loose wire, but the screws are rusted in and he cannot get them out with his tools. In the end we decide to just try the engine and it starts right away.  So we decide to go off.

Richard has identified what is described as a luxury marina only 9 miles away.  They have repair capability and also a spa. So we head off there.  It will probably cost us a fortune, but a little luxury would be nice.   We get there in time for a late lunch.  We can’t book an engineer today because it is Sunday, but we will try tomorrow.  We really can’t keep hoping for the best or else we will find ourselves in real trouble if we can’t start the engine somewhere remote.

We are now in the restaurant which is part of the hotel in the marina.  We finally worked out how to get the internet working. Our devices couldn’t recognise that we were now in Croatia until we turned them off and then on again! We have had a lovely dinner of baked fish with Mediterranean vegetables.  So off to the boat when this gets posted. 


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