Bar – Monday 25 June 2018

We only woke up at 8am and then Richard got the weather.  The forecast has deteriorated and high winds and some rain are expected tomorrow and Wednesday.  So we made a last minute decision to leave right away and make our way to Bar (probably our last stop in Montenegro).  We were stuck in Bar last autumn for several days.  It is a boring town, but with a marina and shops.

The day did not start well. We made the most terrible mess of leaving the mooring.  We started off and I didn’t hear Richard tell my to cast off the forward line.  The couple next door shouted that R was going forward while the line was still attached.  I hurriedly let the rope go, but then further disaster struck.  Dave on the next boat shouted that we were trailing a line.  I couldn’t work out what it could be and then I realized that the pick up cord of the forward line had got tangled on a stanchion.  As I freed it, Richard let the boat go back and hit the pulpit of David’s boat!  Hysterics all around.  They said there was no damage and we couldn’t see any damage on our end other than the fact that the flagpole was knocked off, but intact. So it was great embarrassment all around as we finally left.  Some time later we noted there is a bit of damage on our boat.  The holder for the flag has bent and the flag now flies at a jaunty angle.  Richard hopes to hammer that out.

Thankfully the rest of the day went much better.  There was a tiny bit of breeze (a force 3) from behind.  Richard put up the Genoa leaving the engine on full to increase our speed by about half a knot.  As we had about 45 miles to go we have to keep a move on.  Also we want to be in Bar as early as possible in case the strong winds come in earlier.

So it was another slog by engine with a bit of help of the sail.  We kept up speeds of just under 6 knots which meant that we got to Bar by about 4pm, which wasn’t bad at all.  We stopped first for fuel, being down to about half a tank and the whole of Albania to get through.  We were then put on an alongside berth.  However the wind had picked up and was blowing us off and we made a mess of mooring up.  Thankfully the mooring man was able to pull us in when I was finally able to get a stern line to him on the 4thor 5thattempt.

The wind was quite strong for a couple of hours, but now at 10:30 there is barely anything at all.  But the forecast is still bad.  We are toying with the idea of hiring a car and exploring inland a bit.  We shall see what happens in the morning.


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