Fiscardo, Kefalonia - Sunday 9 September 2018
The batteries are fine so we are still here. It has been a lazy day. We swan a bit. We put the motor on the dinghy and went into town for lunch. The motor worked fine. This afternoon we just had a nap and some more swimming. Regrettably a boat moored up next to us and put their anchor straight over our anchor chain. We kept telling them they were doing that but they are German and act as if they don’t understand any English. Richard went out with his face mask and found that they are over the anchor but they say they are leaving at 9am tomorrow (good at English when it suits them!) so we should be able to get away in the morning.
We are really surprised about the number or boats here. On this stretch I counted over 20 boats at anchor with a line ashore. Given that Fiscardo is about the most popular sight around it is really strange that boats are turning up at 6 and 7pm hoping to find somewhere to anchor.
We had dinner on board and now are listening to the Archers. We are off to Ithica tomorrow. We seem to be able to manage on anchor OK.
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