Nisi Koukounitsa (just next to Vonitsa) – Tuesday 18 September 2018

Timing was a bit crucial today as we had to get to the bridge in good enough time to get through, but not too early to have to dodge around lots of other boats.  We decided on the 11am opening which left us plenty of time to top up the water, go to the bakery for bread for lunch sandwiches and to ready the boat to go.  We did it pretty well, but the bridge opened 5 minutes late, which did leave a bit of a queue of boats to avoid.

We are headed to the mainland where we will make several stops on the way to Corfu.  Richard had hopes of sailing and took the sail cover off.  Although there was a bit of a breeze, it was again, on the nose.  So no sails and just a motor of about 15 miles.  All but the first 5 miles was in an inland sea. Also the sea was absolutely solid with huge fish farms.  I lost count but there must have been at least 10 of them.

As we approached the anchorage the wind turned a bit and we thought of putting some sails up, but by this time it was down to 3 knots and we would go nowhere.  In fact we saw a 50ft Beneteau trying to sail and making no progress.  Of course as we got into the anchorage the wind picked up.  I think we are cursed by the god of winds (anyone know who that is?).  Anyway it is a pretty anchorage surrounded by trees.  We thought we might be the only ones here, but there were already 3 boats here and three more turned up during the afternoon. One of the boats has a rather unusual crew.  It is a small (28-30ft) sailboat flying an Austrian flag and with seemingly only one man aboard. However he has 5 dogs with him! Regrettably the dogs are rather noisy.

We had no trouble setting the anchor.  The new walkie-talkies really have done the job.  The anchor gave a good tug and we were ready for a nice quiet afternoon swimming and reading.  It was rather hot and we had a late lunch so I put off making dinner until after 8pm and at our usual time of 11pm we set off for the night.

I was awoken at about 4pm by the howling of the wind.  The wind had picked up to a force 5 and was blowing us around.  It is just as well that we set the anchor solidly because we needed it.  We were never in any difficulty but the sound and motion kept me awake for some time.


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