Ormiskos Valtou (Igoumenitsa Creek) – Saturday 22 September 2018

We couldn’t find any tap working so we were unable to top up the water.  We shall just be the great unwashed for a couple of days. We actually have quite a lot of water on board and with a little respect it should last even if we do keep clean!

We were dubious in leaving before the large motor boat in front of us goes.  We don’t think his anchor is over ours, but the boat is so long that it is likely to be over some of our chain.  They did say yesterday they would go at 9am today, but in the end it was more like 9:30 and we didn’t get away until 9:45. When we took up the anchor it was clean, unlike others we saw covered in mud.  So it is likely that our anchor never was properly set.  However we stayed away from the wall all night and had no trouble.

As predicted there was no wind today.  The sea was glassy and the wind from behind was 2-3 knots.  So it was a long 4 hour+ motor to this anchorage Richard found.  On the way we did see a pod of dolphins, but regrettably they were a long way off.

When we finally got near I could hardly believe the bay existed as we kept turning into inlet after inlet on the mainland.  But it does exist and it is very nice.  There is absolutely nothing here except a peaceful bay and wildlife. We have seen herons and fish are jumping all over the place.  There are herds of goats and cows all with bells on making very atmospheric ‘music’.  We half expected to be on our own, but there were three boats here when we arrived and another came.  Now there are just 5 of us for the night.

After yesterday’s disasters trying to get the anchor right, we had no trouble anchoring and are well situated in a very peaceful place with no rocking!

We had swims and meals on board.  All very bucolic.


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