Ormos Abelike, Meganisi – Saturday 15 September 2018

We got up early to make a quick start to get here.  There was a forecast of 15 knots of wind on the nose due in the early afternoon.  So we slipped anchor at 8:30 and started a motor trip to this next port.  We had just over 20 miles to do.  We pretty much avoided the headwind.  As we approached the island there was absolutely no wind, but within10 minutes it was blowing 10-12 knots on the nose. We were recommended to this bay by the Luries and the CA.  It is very pretty, well enclosed and surrounded by low cliffs covered in greenery with higher stony hills behind.  The only problem is that it is very busy.  We had a heck of a problem setting the anchor and avoiding other boats.  Half the boats have long lines ashore.  The other half are swinging on their anchors, which is what we want to do.  On the first two attempts to set the anchor it didn’t hold.  Finally we managed to get it to bite well, but then were told by the boat behind us we were lying over his anchor and/or chain. He was leaving later in the afternoon and we agreed to move out of his way when he wanted to go.

So we had lunch on board and I put chicken breast pieces in to marinade for chicken kebab dinner. We hung around the boat waiting for the boat behind to leave.  Eventually he did and we just had to motor forward a bit to get out of the way of his anchor chain, so that was fine.

We had noticed earlier that there was another Southerly (a 35RS named Tigger 2) anchored in the bay. We swam over to it and had a little chat with the owner.  He bought it second hand with the intention of bringing it to the Med.   Strange choice of boat to buy for that purpose.  Also he is not a member of the Owners Association so I tried to persuade him to join (I’m not sure it was successful).

Then as we were sitting on the boat I remembered Jonnie Lurie asked us to look out for his friends Bill and Jo who are on a new motorboat, having sold their Fisher.  We met them about 3 years ago in Amorgos when we all went out to dinner for the Luries anniversary.  I thought seeing them was a bit of a long shot, but would you believe it their boat was anchored right in front of us.  We called over to them and they invited us on board for drinks before they were going to dinner at the restaurant on shore. Anyway we had a lovely evening with them and friends of theirs called Bill and Sue.  We even got persuaded to have dinner with them. So the chicken will wait until tomorrow.

The wind is still up a bit, but the worst is that it is very bouncy.  We were taken to and from the restaurant in Bill’s tender and are pleased we made it on and off without mishap.


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