Sayiadha – Sunday 23 September 2018

During the night it was so still that I thought we might have grounded.   But no, it was just completely calm.

We didn’t rush off but left at 10am.  Again there is no wind so we are motoring, but not for long because our destination is only 9 miles away.  It is a little town with a small harbour.  The pilot book says that the depths are less than 2 metres.  It is supposed to be quiet with few boats. With our lifting keel it seemed perfect especially as it was suggested that mooring alongside would be best.

When we got to Sayiadha it was not what was expected.  The outer mole, where it was suggested one could moor alongside was most uninviting especially as we couldn’t see any mooring rings or bollards.  So we went in the very narrow harbour entrance (8 meters it is said) and Richard took up the keel as the depth was reading at 1.8 metres.  When we got in there is a lot of room.  Again the pilot advises not to moor stern to with anchor on the basis that holding is not good.  We have had that problem too much and don’t want to chance it.  So as there seems to be plenty of room we try to moor alongside.  The problem is that we are being blown off (albeit by a modest wind).  A Brit in a boat a bit along comes to our rescue.  It was all a bit fraught and not helped when Richard got absorbed in tying on a further warp and left the motor engaged in slow ahead and let the boat motor straight into the pier.  It made a rotten noise, but we only hit the metal strip on the bows and maybe cracked a bit of the gelcoat behind it.    We finally settle at the end of the pier alongside.  The problem is that all the other (3) boats are stern to on anchor.  We feel like we are abusing the space, but there is plenty of room and we are told that there were only 5 boats in last night.

Well, it didn’t work out like that.  As the afternoon wore on more and more large boats came in.  We couldn’t work out how they cleared the entrance until we are told it is more like 1.9-2 metres deep.  In the end there are 12 boats moored for the night including us.  We are completely blocked in with one boat right up to our bows and another small motorboat is alongside at right angles to us.  We shall just have to wait for everyone to leave in the morning to get out. It should be interesting particularly as the wind is supposed to go around to blow us on!

There appears to be no charge for mooring and there is water so we could top up and have proper showers this evening before going to dinner and eating the local specialty, fresh prawns. 


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