Durres – Saturday 30 June 2018
It rained all night long. Between the rain, being first cold and then hot, and be pursued by a host of mosquitoes, I didn’t sleep at all well. So when the alarm went at 7 it wasn’t a surprise. But at least when we did get up it had finally stopped raining and the sun was trying to peek through. We found Frrok at the club and collected the last bit of paper we need for the next port. He wouldn’t accept payment for all he did yesterday but did take 25 euros towards the petrol. He really has been very sweet. So we left port just before 9am. The sky was blue out at sea and the winds light. However, there was a bit of a swell. For a time I managed it, but after 3 hours I decided to take a pill. I also had a little nap below to make up for my disturbed night. When I got up and went on deck I was surprised to find the wind instrument saying we had a force four on the beam and yet Richard had...